AI Made Friendly HERE

Microsoft Debunks Misconceptions Linked To This Groundbreaking Tech

As the popularity of AI grows, the fear of the technology being used for all the wrong reasons increases. After all, we’ve got to be mindful of the risks that this revolutionizing technology brings.

A lot of the concerns have to do with AI and its impact on government departments, which believe it or not, manage to be a leading source of revenue for the software giant.

Next comes the role of AI in business and whether or not the pros outweigh the cons. Remember, nobody wishes to use AI if the end result is loss. There must be some reason tech giants are investing billions on this front and that includes the desire to see fruitful results.

The overall understanding of AI is that it’s far from perfect and needs human intervention to work seamlessly. Without the right kind of insights, the actual value of such tools may not be maximized. Anyone used to these systems would be aware of this. Still, the fear exists about AI altering the workplace surroundings and the functions being carried out.

Some experts do note that AI is far from actual tools linked to artificial intelligence. It would be better described as math where machine models are trained using data points and churning out results as they go. The lack of internal thoughts at play must be mentioned.

Yes, AI is doing a great job in that regard, much better than the outputs of humans witnessed. But are these models really thinking? Are they considering the depths of inputs being given to them in the form of prompts? The answer is no!

This is why it’s impertinent to realize how such tools work and that they can be of great value but the hype that surrounds them could lead to overselling the capability to impact users’ work.

Microsoft’s latest array of myths and its efforts to debunk them to unravel the truth is a great way to attain insights about what AI really is and how it affects government operations or day-to-day business functions. Hence, let’s take a look!

For starters, AI has been called out as the technology that rolls out all the shots. But in reality, it’s not the real decision-maker. It certainly adds value as a tool that links neural networks. However, relying on AI for health information or personal queries is never okay as they cannot make the final decisions.

Secondly, a huge myth surrounding AI has to do with its ability to overtake the human race? It’s a concern that many employees have and let’s face it, no one wishes to lose their earnings to a machine model. What many people fail to realize is that human output will give rise to successful outcomes from AI. Only when humans are involved in the decision-making process can one expect successful outcomes from AI.

Interestingly, experts predict that AI would give rise to millions of new jobs in the future so including AI can only be beneficial for your business’s future.

Another common misconception that people have with Gen AI is calling it out as inaccurate. We’ve seen plenty of recent examples of how one cannot put blind faith in Generative AI. Remember, the latter is trained on data sources and therefore is designed to see how well humans make use of language to get their points across. So you must treat it as an algorithm using math. As experts mentioned, using AI alongside trusted human sources is the best way to get the most accurate results.

The statement tech giants are training AI models by scrapping data off the internet is a huge issue that many people have complained about. So is the myth about AI models using proviate data correct?

The answer is partly yes and partly no! Yes, data sources can belong to humans but how the model interprets that depends on its own patterns of learning and knowledge attained during the training phase. Hence, at the end of the day, your data belongs to you.

Furthermore, AI models functioning on prompts provided by users have been discussed. Does that mean all prompts are public?

The answer is no! Most tech giants have curated models in a safe manner that ensures the systems work responsibly and ethically and no prompts are up for grabs to the public.

And before we go, issues linked to AI solving the world’s problems have always been questioned. Remember, if humans cannot, perhaps technology can, is a mindset that many have started to believe but is that really true?

As per software giant Microsoft, the answer is no! The models are miles away from rolling out defense strategies but actually work to better human decision-making powers. Yes, the fear is real that it might take over the world someday but for now, we can relax.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird