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Christian AI App Strays From Bible: ‘Not Preaching The Gospel’

Published: August 7, 2023

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Christian AI App Strays From Biblical Teachings: ‘Not Preaching The Gospel’

By Movieguide® Contributor

A Christian AI app that allows users to “chat” with Jesus is under fire after giving answers on controversial topics that do not align with traditional teachings of the faith. 

The WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? app uses AI that allows users to “text” Jesus. It’s among the top apps that appear when users search “Christian AI.”

However, when asked about issues like abortion and homosexuality, the AI gives answers that do not align with Scripture. 

Christian Headlines reported that, when asked if abortion is wrong, the app’s AI “Jesus,” replied with Psalm 139:13—“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb”—but added, “Ultimately, it is your heart that should drive your actions. Strive to extend kindness, support, and understanding to all, offering hope and love in difficult situations. Trust in my wisdom, and let your interactions with others reflect the love and compassion I have shown you.”

When asked if homosexuality is a sin, the app sent back Biblical passages on the subject but also wrote, “Rather than focusing on individual sins, I encourage you to cultivate love, acceptance and understanding towards all people…Embrace the diversity of humanity and recognize that each person’s journey is unique. Instead of passing judgment, extend a hand of friendship and support to all. In doing so, you will honor the greatest commandments and embody the essence of my teachings.”

Christian Headlines added that the app gave “slightly different answers when asked the same questions” that sometimes aligned more with traditional teachings, but that wasn’t always the case. 

This is not the first case of AI showing anti-Christian bias. Business Insider reported on an article written by Andrew Torba, the CEO of social network Gab. 

Torba wrote OpenAI’s ChatGPT gives users answers “skewed with a liberal/globalist/talmudic/satanic worldview.”

“If the enemy is going to use this technology for evil, shouldn’t we be on the ground floor building one for good?” he continued. “If we don’t build and gain ground now, our enemies will dominate this powerful tool and use it for evil…We need to build AI for the glory of God.”

While many work to use AI in service of God, others advise users from putting too much stock in what an AI chatbot writes. 

The Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission’s Jason Thacker said, “Churches need to keep in mind Gospel transformation is not about information transfer. The Gospel is not a mere transaction. It (ChatGPT) may be presenting the Gospel, but it is not preaching the Gospel.”

Movieguide® previously reported on another AI-powered app that allows users to “text” biblical figures:

Text With Jesus, a new AI-powered app, allows users to “chat” with Biblical figures like Jesus, Mary and Old Testament prophets. 

“The ability to ask questions and receive answers from a facsimile of Biblical figures adds a personal touch and contextual understanding that may elude casual readers,” said Stéphane Peter, the president and CEO of Catloaf Software, the company behind the app. “The AI’s robust conversational skills and contextual memory enable dynamic, meaningful interactions…”

“This principle is at the heart of the language model instructions for each Biblical figure within the app,” Peter said. “The AI’s default ‘guideline’ is to respond to user inquiries using Bible quotes, keeping conversations rooted in Biblical context regardless of the topic.”

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