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Expert advocates responsible adoption of AI in academia

Sunday Ayodabo, a fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), has advocated for responsible stewardship in the academia in navigating the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), following the growing concern over its adoption and implications, particularly its rapid adoption in Africa.

“This call to action is grounded in the understanding that technological advancement without ethical oversight can lead to significant societal harm, including exacerbating biases and diminishing human empathy,” Ayodabo said in a chat with BusinessDay SUNDAY.

According to him, the ethical implications of AI integration into society call for a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential harms. He further highlighted the necessity of developing AI within ethical frameworks that prioritise human values and well-being.

He argued for robust policy frameworks and regulatory safeguards that exist in the United States and Europe. According to him, this perspective not only amplifies the ethical considerations of AI but also emphasises the need for a global dialogue and concerted effort to manage its deployment responsibly.

“By caring for AI and advocating for the development of robust, context-specific policies and regulations, we can ensure that this technology is used in ways that promote social justice, protect individual rights, and contribute to the sustainable development of African societies,” he said.

Ayodabo, who is also a doctoral researcher at the school of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communications, University of Texas, Dallas, USA, disclosed that the call for ethical stewardship also highlights the necessity of navigating AI development with care and moral responsibility. “As we move forward in the age of AI, let us remember that the choices we make today will have profound implications for the world we leave behind.”

He further encourages others in the academics to consider the long-term impact of their technological engagements, advocating for a future where AI development is aligned with human values and contributes positively to societal well-being.

The scholar therefore called for a collective commitment to ethical considerations in AI, underscoring the importance of individual choices in forging a legacy that upholds human dignity and the greater good. “Why we need to care for AI is a clarion call to view AI through a lens of ethical responsibility and humanistic care,” Ayodabo

Originally Appeared Here

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