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Identified: FMCG marketing’s AI revolution

AI’s ability to tap into our response to stimuli adds a whole new spin to strategy, and calls for the digital twin approach.

It is not every day that one discovers something that completely disrupts their views and strongly-held opinions.

Recently I had the privilege of attending an artificial intelligence workshop. It became evident that AI, when correctly prompted, can unlock a world of endless possibilities.

Like: how integral the concept of the amygdala and the ‘digital twin’ is to our media efforts to connect with our audience through the most effective channels and timings – be it a prime-time slot on SABC or Mzansi Magic – or through targeted mobile advertising.

The idea behind a digital twin in marketing is to focus our money on reaching potential clients rather than a broad, undifferentiated audience, marking a departure from traditional advertising strategies. This method highlights the importance of adopting innovative media planning and holistic 360-degree campaigns that challenge traditional limits.

As marketing veteran Simone Zanetti insightfully remarked, “AI will take the jobs of those who don’t adopt it,” highlighting the urgency for marketers to embrace advanced technologies and methodologies in their strategies.

In a landscape where technological innovation continuously reshapes consumer engagement strategies, a recent foray into the capabilities of artificial intelligence has unveiled a ground-breaking perspective on marketing within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry.

The workshop’s revelation, that AI can harness the power of human emotional intelligence – particularly through insights into the amygdala’s function – marked a pivotal moment in my understanding of modern marketing strategies.

This almond-shaped neural cluster, embedded in our brain as part of the limbic system, emerges not just as a biological component, but as a beacon guiding the future of consumer connection and brand loyalty.

Emotional intelligence meets AI

The amygdala’s primary role in emotional processing, especially its swift response to stimuli, has profound implications for marketing.

In the FMCG sector, where the battle for consumer attention is fierce and decisions are made in the blink of an eye, leveraging the amygdala’s innate responses could be the key to unlocking unparalleled consumer engagement.

Traditional marketing strategies, heavily reliant on showcasing product features or benefits, pale in comparison to the potential of creating narratives that resonate with the core of human experience.

This emotional resonance, powered by AI’s analytical precision, can transform the way brands connect with consumers, fostering a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

Strategic implications in FMCG

The practical applications of amygdala insights in FMCG marketing are vast and varied. By crafting advertisements or packaging that instantly trigger an emotional response – be it excitement, satisfaction, or even urgency – brands can significantly influence consumer behaviour.

This strategy transcends the conventional focus on product attributes, venturing into a realm where psychological insights shape consumer perceptions and actions. It’s about designing campaigns that not only catch the eye, but also touch the heart, leveraging the amygdala’s impact to create a lasting impression.

Beyond traditional marketing

My journey through the realms of above-the-line and digital media has been profoundly influenced by this understanding. Recognising that the core fears and desires of our audience significantly enhance our strategy, we’ve tailored our efforts to engage the amygdala within the crucial first three-to-five seconds of exposure.

This insight has been instrumental in our approach to media planning, ensuring that every aspect of our campaign, from timing to platform selection, is meticulously calibrated for emotional engagement.

The result? A marketing strategy that not only captures attention but also sustains interest and loyalty, proving the efficacy of amygdala-focused approaches in forging strong brand connections.

AI’s role in enhancing strategy

The advent of AI in marketing extends beyond mere data analysis; it offers a pathway to innovative content creation and targeted campaigns. By harnessing AI for tasks such as audience segmentation and trend identification, we can tailor our strategies with unprecedented precision.

The concept of a ‘digital twin’ in marketing – focusing efforts on potential clients rather than a broad audience – exemplifies this shift. Such strategies, underscored by AI’s capabilities, underscore the importance of adopting a holistic, 360-degree approach to campaign planning those challenges and transcends traditional boundaries.

Looking ahead: AI’s transformative potential

As we stand on the brink of this technological revolution, the words of computer scientist Andrew Ng resonate deeply: AI’s transformative impact is set to rival that of electricity, a century ago.

This comparison not only highlights AI’s potential across industries and sectors, it also emphasises the critical need for marketers to integrate AI into their strategies proactively. In doing so, we not only stay ahead of the curve but also redefine the essence of marketing in the digital age.


The integration of AI with insights into the amygdala’s emotional intelligence marks a new dawn for FMCG marketing; it not only promises enhanced consumer engagement, but also a redefinition of brand-consumer relationships on a fundamental level.

As we navigate this evolving landscape, the fusion of technological innovation and psychological insights offers a beacon for future strategies, ensuring that our marketing efforts resonate deeply with the human experience.


Nombulelo Yena, with 10+ years in media, specialises in ATL and digital media. A BA from AAA School of Advertising laid her strategic foundation. Starting as implementation planner, she progressed to senior strategic planner and now leads FMCG brand media strategies, focusing on impactful ATL and social campaigns for societal engagement.




Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird