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NKU to host lecture series for seniors on AI

Starting in April, Northern Kentucky University will host its “Born Before AI” lecture series for local retirees and seniors.

The three-part series will feature lectures from NKU faculty covering topics like the history and future of AI, ethics and AI in journalism, and AI cybersecurity and healthcare. The lectures are free and open to all seniors, but participants must register before attending.

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The title of the series is a reference to AI’s long history. The term “artificial intelligence” was created at a summer research conference at Dartmouth College in 1956. Its capabilities and use have rapidly grown in the past few years.

Dean of the College of Informatics Kevin Kirby says the idea for the series came about after local seniors reached out to the university wanting to know more about how AI would affect their lives.

“They didn’t want it to be just technology,” Kirby told WVXU. “So, we thought we’d bring it all together in three one-hour lectures.”

Kirby says each lecture will show attendees how AI is currently being used in different fields and how it may evolve. Though the series is about the technology of AI, technical knowledge or an understanding of computers is not required. Instead, Kirby wants seniors to understand the social impact of artificial intelligence and its constant evolution.

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“The capabilities of AI can create all-new levels of deception and misinformation,” he said. “In the blink of an eye, the world has changed. I think people really want to get a handle on this to be less intimidated by this onslaught of AI.”

The series is part of a suite of programs related to AI at NKU aimed at different generations. The university also has programs for high school students and adults, along with an Applied Artificial Intelligence minor open to students in any of NKU’s degree programs.

The lectures will be held on Wednesday afternoons inside Griffin Hall on NKU’s campus. The first one will be on April 17. More information can be on NKU’s website.

NKU is a financial supporter of Cincinnati Public Radio.

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