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OpenAI’s GPT store is now open for everyone, and here are 4 custom GPTs you must try

Key Takeaways

  • GPT Store offers custom chatbots for users, now accessible for free. Customizable GPTs can be found on this marketplace for ChatGPT users.
  • JournalGPT lets you capture daily thoughts in an organized way for easy reflection. Cute Little Zombies is a text adventure game with DALL-E created images.
  • Image to Text Extractor and AskTheCode are easy and powerful tools, adding functionality to your daily workflow. GPT Store needs improvement.

In addition to announcing GPT 4o at its Spring Update event earlier this month, OpenAI also made a number of its subscription-only features available for free users following the livestream. One of the biggest subscription-only features that went free for all ChatGPT users was the ability to access and use custom GPT chatbots. That’s right, the GPT store which was opened to paid subscribers earlier this year, is now free for all ChatGPT users.

The GPT store, in case you don’t know, is essentially a catalog of all the custom chatbots that you can use to do things like generate images, seek help with scientific research, and more. There are plenty of custom GPTs out there that are made by users around the world, and the GPT store acts as a marketplace for ChatGPT users to search for or even upload their custom GPTs. It goes without saying that not all custom GPTs are worth considering, and most of them are just knock-offs or downright useless with little to no features. Below are some unique and genuinely useful GPTs that I was able to find after lurking in the deep corners of Reddit.



We tried out GPT-4o, and it’s so much faster than GPT-4

If you’re curious how much faster GPT-4o is, the difference between it and GPT-4 is staggering.

Free access to the GPT Store is yet to fully roll out to all users, so you may not be able to access these GPTs just yet.

4 JournalGPT

A quick and easy way to capture and analyze your daily thoughts

I found this gem of a GPT while casually browsing Reddit for some recommendations, and I can’t recommend it enough. Not only is it great for those who like journaling their experiences to reflect on them later, but it also offers a safe space to let you collect all your cluttered thoughts and ideas. JournalGPT, unlike other custom GPTs, doesn’t converse with you by sending out responses after each message. It instead accepts them as entries, and generates an analysis to format your journal, find patterns and offer insights. What I like the most about JournalGPT is how it formats my entries, giving it a title, and separating it into multiple sections like key takeaways, summary, insights, and more. It even pulls relevant quotes from the internet to go with your journal entries, which is great.


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3 Cute Little Zombies

A surprisingly addictive text adventure game

I spend more time than I’d like to admit playing this text adventure game, and I highly recommend checking it out. It’s not necessarily a GPT that’s meant to get something done for you or improve your productivity, but it’s guaranteed to keep you hooked and entertained for long hours. Cute Little Zombies essentially puts you in a zombie apocalypse which you have to set up yourself from scratch. Everything from selecting the scenario to making decisions that affect the gameplay, is in your hands, and you dictate everything by making selections. The best part about this GPT is that it uses DALL-E to create images of various scenarios from your playthrough featuring cute little 3D characters and, of course, zombies.


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A simple and useful tool

This particular GPT, as the name suggests, simply analyzes your uploaded image and extracts the text from it. All you really have to do is upload the screenshots or images of your choice, and have it extract and spit out the text for you. You’ll get both a formatted text and a plain text as a response to your image uploads. It’s just a simple GPT that works as advertised, without any fluff. Yes, there are utilities on both macOS and Windows that let you do the same, but I just find it more convenient to have a custom GPT open within the same window that I work out of. It has also been fairly quick and accurate so far, so I haven’t found the need to replace it or use an alternative. I even tried it with some complex images with a lot of text, and it works without any issues.


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1 AskTheCode

A powerful Git companion

AskTheCode is a powerful Git companion that lets you interact with GitHub repositories in various ways. Think of it as a tool to enhance the understanding and analysis of GitHub repositories. All you have to do is submit a GitHub repository URL, and AskTheCode will analyze the repository’s content, including code files, documentation, and metadata, to give you relevant and informative answers around it. Everything from querying repository structures and searching for specific elements to analyzing commits and managing branches is well within the reach of this GPT. It’s a powerful tool for developers, researchers, or anyone looking to understand code repositories quickly and efficiently.


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ChatGPT is scarily good at writing code.

The GPT Store needs to be better

As much as I like OpenAI’s decision to open the floodgates to its GPT store for everyone, I truly believe it’s borderline unusable at the moment. I say that because it does nothing to put useful and genuinely fun GPTs under the spotlight, and instead pushes a slim selection of GPTs. In fact, none of the GPTs I’ve highlighted on this list or even the other ones that I use on a daily basis are featured or can be found in the store easily unless you specifically know what you’re searching for. There’s also no way to tell whether a particular GPT you’ve picked is even useful or worth trying, as there is no way to review/rate GPTs.

It’s a bit disappointing considering how there is a treasure trove of fun and useful GPTs out there waiting to be discovered by ChatGPT users. I was able to find many of them on Reddit, and that appears to be the only way to find them, at least for now. That said, I believe you’re not necessarily missing out on much if you don’t have access to the GPT Store on your account just yet. I’ll give it at least a few more months until it becomes more usable, or at least until OpenAI adds some much-needed discovery features.

Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird