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Re-imagining Business Workflows with AI-Powered Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is delivering rapid change for Australian business by raising customers’ expectations, generating new competitive challenges, and creating opportunities for new products and services.

This rapid change demands a rapid response, but the strength of that response depends greatly on two factors – the agility of systems and processes and the availability of skilled workers to run them.

More than ever, it is critical that workers are not spending time performing low-value and repetitive tasks or using systems and tools that stop them from doing what’s most important.

The solution to this challenge is automation, and in this era of accelerated change, the factor that is bringing so much capability to automation solutions is also the very reason why they are so critical now – AI.

Tungsten Automation is delivering the benefits of AI-driven automation through a comprehensive suite of capabilities that can automate everything from low-value and repetitive data entry tasks through to highly complex actions such as risk analysis and fraud detection.

It does this by incorporating the latest AI capabilities in fields such as natural language processing, generative AI, and decisioning AI to help organisations manage processes, extract insights, and make better decisions.

Automation for the AI era

While the name might be new, Tungsten Automation’s experience stretches back more than 40 years, under the brand Kofax.

The new name reflects the company’s evolution to a cloud-based delivery model powered by AI, and this transition has been essential for helping organisations transform and automate complex tasks across business, finance, document automation, and security.

The integration of AI into Tungsten Automation’s service offering is organised around three key pillars.

Firstly, generative AI is supercharging the engagement that staff and customers have with automated processes by enabling the creation of more natural and ‘human’ experiences. 

Secondly, decisioning AI is enabling customers to more readily extract and analyse data so they can make better decisions and take actions with greater confidence.

And thirdly, Tungsten Automation’s low-code solutions ensure customers can accelerate the time to value from their automation implementations.

Value-based outcomes

Incorporating AI into cloud-based automation enables Tungsten Automation’s customers to quickly deploy solutions that free people up from low-value or repetitive tasks to focus on the actions that matter most, such as those that create new business opportunities or improve customer service.

These can range from improvements in backend processes, such as employee onboarding, claims processing, or know-your-customer activities, through to complex tasks such as business decision-making and predictive analytics. These capabilities can also be applied to enhance specific tasks such as invoice processing, where AI is proving adept at detecting and preventing fraud.

These capabilities build on Tungsten Automation’s existing strengths in digital workflow transformation and security, and ensure the right information is available to the people who need it at the right time.

Embracing AI means Tungsten Automation can revolutionise data intensive business workflows by transforming intelligent document processing and process orchestration and enable customers to develop new capabilities that can automate complex workflows.

In some cases, customers are taking these AI-powered automation capabilities and using them to create entirely new business processes and revenues streams which might have been too costly or labour-intensive to have considered previously.

And all of these capabilities are enhanced by Tungsten Automation’s extensive network of skilled partners.

Automating for the future

Over the 40 years Kofax has built a reputation as a trusted leader in intelligent automation, trusted by customers for the most data-intensive workflows, across business-critical processes, and now as Tungsten Automation the company has established the cloud and AI foundations needed to propel its customers into the future.

And just like the metal from, which it takes its name, Tungsten Automation possess the strength and reliability that customers can trust to respond with confidence in these changing times.

Join Tungsten alongside your peers, technology experts, industry thought leaders, for an immersive day at the Tungsten SUMMIT on May 16 in Sydney.

Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird