AI Made Friendly HERE

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says security comes first, tells employees to prioritise safety over new features

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT in 2022, people across the globe were left surprised by its capabilities. The generative AI tool could compose music, write poetry, come up with jokes, and…

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Google Rolls Out Gemini to Replace Bard Chatbot

Jakarta – Google has replaced its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot platform Bard to Gemini, making it the tech company’s most advanced AI model family.   Baca Juga : Tahun Baru Imlek 2024…

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Google prepares users for a new era with Bard-integrated Assistant: Report

In a flurry of changes, Google Assistant is poised for a significant transformation with the integration of its AI chatbot, Bard. Following recent layoffs impacting hundreds of Bay Area employees…

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Google cuts ties with company that help train Bard, here’s why

Google has terminated its contract with Appen Ltd, the Australian company responsible for labeling vast amounts of training data for Bard, Google’s conversational AI platform. In a statement, Appen said…

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你知道如何通过Bard调用谷歌Google的Gemini AI吗? 这里有你想知道的一切| 科技讯

谷歌发布了Gemini AI和Bard两个AI项目。Gemini AI能处理多类型数据,生成高质量内容;Bard则是AI聊天机器人,可帮助用户完成任务。那么如何通过Bard调用Gemini AI呢,关于Gemini AI还有那些信息呢,面就给大家介绍下。 步骤一:访问 Bard 网站并登录 要使用 Bard,您需要先访问 Bard 的官方网站 [1] ,并使用您的谷歌账号登录。如果您还没有谷歌账号,您可以在网站上注册一个。登录后,您将看到一个对话框,邀请您开始与 Bard 交谈。您可以在对话框中输入任何您想说的话,或者选择一些预设的示例来启动对话。 步骤二:询问 Bard 如何调用 Gemini AI 要调用 Gemini AI,您需要询问 Bard 如何做到这一点。您可以直接问 Bard:“如何使用 Gemini AI?”或者更具体地问:“如何用 Gemini…

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A Star Witness Against Google: Google’s AI Chatbot

In its consequential antitrust trial, Google has pointed to an emerging technology that could equalize competition in the search engine market: artificial intelligence. Google has spent substantial time during its…

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Early Bird