AI Made Friendly HERE

This why NJ must create safe and equitable rules for government use of AI

On Nov. 30, 2022, OpenAI introduced Artificial Intelligence to the public by releasing ChatGPT: an AI chatbot that uses natural language processing to create human-like, conversational dialogue. That same morning, I excitedly showed my roommates and classmates at Yale how this novel tech was able to complete our homework assignments with incredible speed and accuracy. It rapidly became clear that AI is not just a plot point in a science fiction novel anymore — it has become part of our daily routine, affecting how we live, work and connect. AI’s influence grows within our community, from voice-activated phone apps to advanced healthcare systems.

As a member of the Garfield City Council, I am working to ensure our community is ready for this AI-integrated future. We are standing on the threshold of a new era where AI will revolutionize many of our municipal operations. Let us take this opportunity to discuss: What does this mean for local businesses, our public services and the identity of our towns?

ChatGPT is a free artificial intelligence computer program that writes human-sounding answers to just about anything you ask.

As a tool, AI can help draft documents and spreadsheets, manage schedules, analyze data and more, making our lives easier and our work at city hall more efficient. My experience with ChatGPT offers a taste of this potential, as it aids in streamlining my workload, allowing me to devote more time to commune with my constituency and fellow community members, as well as to complete other crucial tasks.

More perspective: Beyond ChatGPT: AI conspiracy theories are here. Don’t believe everything you read.

However, the commonplace nature of AI in our lives underscores the importance of establishing safe and equitable guidelines for its use. As technology becomes more intertwined with our daily routines, our dependency on it increases. With dependency comes vulnerability. Our commitment to ensuring its safe and equitable use should be unwavering. The power of AI is immense, but like all empowering technology tools, it must always be balanced by user responsibility. Let us embrace AI, but always with a clear understanding of its role, potential and the need for prudent oversight. Further, we must ensure that its benefits reach all corners of our society without compromising our values and rights.

Story continues

Municipal governments must protect our communities by instituting policies that make AI safer and more equitable. Here are three tangible policies that we could implement:

  • Institute Mandatory AI Training: To ensure those making decisions about AI within the city government understand the technology, its benefits and potential pitfalls, mandatory AI training for relevant staff should be established. This training would focus on the basics of AI best practices, data ethics, recognizing bias and understanding the impactof AI on different segments of our population. Such training would empower city staff to make informed decisions about AI and its deployment.

  • Implement AI Transparency Ordinances: Local governments should pass AI Transparency Ordinances to ensure that the use of AI within municipal functions is transparent and understandable. The ordinance should require that all AI systems the city uses have “explainability” as a critical feature. This means that the affected individuals can understand any decisions these systems make. Furthermore, the ordinance should demand clear communication to the public when AI is utilized in public services, alongside regular reports about AI usage and performance.

  • Adopt AI Impact Assessments: Similar to environmental impact assessments, an AI Impact Assessment should be conducted before any AI system is deployed. This assessment would scrutinize the AI system for potential biases, security vulnerabilities and other risks. It would consider the impacts on different population segments, ensuring the technology does not unintentionally disadvantage any particular group. The results of these assessments should be publicly accessible and utilized in the decision-making process for AI deployment.

Properly executed, the marvel that is modern AI stands to make our city more innovative, efficient and responsive. Adopting these three policies, moreover, would signify a meaningful step toward our commitment to the safe and equitable use of AI in our towns and cities. They allow us to take advantage of AI’s benefits while proactively managing the risks. By taking these steps, we can ensure we are harnessing the potential of AI while safeguarding our citizens from any risks. As we journey into this exciting new era of tech-empowered community, let us ensurewe do so thoughtfully and responsibly.

Pawel Maslag is a member of the Garfield City Council.

Pawel Maslag during a reorganization meeting of the Garfield City Council on Friday, January 1, 2021.

Pawel Maslag during a reorganization meeting of the Garfield City Council on Friday, January 1, 2021.

This article originally appeared on NJ must create safe and equitable rules for government use of AI

Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird