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Work Activities in Agriculture, Retail Trade, and Wholesale Have the Potential to be Transformed by Generative AI

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in Aktivitas Kerja di Pertanian, Perdagangan Eceran, dan Grosir Berpotensi Ditransformasikan AI Generatif


Rice farmers are sowing seeds in their fields in Sungai Sapih Village, Kuranji District, Padang City, West Sumatra, on Friday (25/8/2023). So far, the rice fields in Padang City have not been affected by the El Nino phenomenon that causes a prolonged drought.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Work activities carried out by workers in the agricultural industry as well as wholesale and retail are estimated to have the greatest potential to be transformed by generative artificial intelligence. This activity includes helping farmers manage compliance requirements, drafting trade contracts and marketing materials.

This is illustrated in the research report Elsam and Access Partnership ”Economic Impact of Generative AI: The Future of Jobs in Indonesia” which was released, Friday (25/8/2023), in Jakarta. Microsoft supports this research.

Although wages for agricultural workers in Indonesia are relatively low compared to other industries, the study found that the cost of producing staple crops can be up to 50 percent higher compared to neighboring countries. There is a high potential for productivity gains that can be obtained through the proper application of digital technology.

The analysis conducted in the research used several data sources, such as The Occupational Information Network (O*NET Online), workforce composition data by sector from the International Labour Organization (ILO), gross output data from the Asian Development Bank, and national statistics agency (Badan Pusat Statistik) data.

Determination of skills most affected by AI generative artificial intelligence is based on the assessment of skills that are most frequently used among tasks affected by artificial intelligence; how frequently these jobs are used in the industry; and the industry structure in a country.

tetapi hasilnya bisa berbeda-beda tergantung pada keterampilan dan kreativitas individu. AI generatif dapat membantu menghasilkan berbagai macam karya yang lebih cepat dan efisien, seperti desain grafis, musik, dan bahkan karikatur. Namun demikian, hal ini tidak sepenuhnya menggantikan peran manusia dalam membuat keputusan atau memberi nilai pada karya tersebut. Sebaliknya, AI generatif akan merangsang pikiran kreatif manusia dan membantu mereka mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar dan lebih kompleks. Oleh karena itu, pekerjaan di masa depan akan semakin fokus pada penggunaan teknologi seperti AI generatif sebagai alat bantu untuk menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik dan lebih efisien.

Translation: Generative artificial intelligence will change the focus of work, not completely replace it. Almost every worker can use generative AI to some extent, but the results can vary depending on individual skills and creativity. Generative AI can help produce a variety of works more quickly and efficiently, such as graphic design, music, and even cartoons. However, this does not completely replace the role of humans in making decisions or assigning value to the work. Instead, generative AI will stimulate human creative thinking and help them achieve bigger and more complex goals. Therefore, future work will increasingly focus on using technologies such as generative AI as a tool to produce better and more efficient results.

In the same report, the use of generative artificial intelligence to supplement work activities is expected to potentially unlock a production capacity of USD 243.5 billion across the entire economy. This value is equivalent to one-fifth of the gross domestic product. The manufacturing and construction industries are the largest contributors to this potential, mostly due to their high level of labor force and productivity.

Also read: Google: Artificial Intelligence Innovation Environment Needs to Be Responsible

Director of Access Partnership, Marcus Ng, during the presentation of the report, stated that generative artificial intelligence will change the focus of work, not completely replace it. Almost every worker can use generative AI to some extent, although the level of adoption by the business world will vary in the short term.

“Based on our analysis, over half (52 percent) of the workforce may use generative artificial intelligence for 5-20 percent of their work activities. Only 1 percent of the workforce in Indonesia are capable of using generative AI for over 20 percent of their work activities,” he said.

Marcus added that there are three skills that Indonesian workers need to prepare to face the dynamics of generative artificial intelligence innovation. The first skill is development and management. The second is cooperation skills, and the third is the ability to live with generative artificial intelligence.

The photo taken on March 31, 2023 in Manta, near Turin, shows a computer screen displaying chatGPT on the OpenAI artificial intelligence website.AFP/MARCO BERTORELLO

The photo taken on March 31, 2023 in Manta, near Turin, shows a computer screen displaying chatGPT on the OpenAI artificial intelligence website.

The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), RR Siti Murtiningsih, who was also present as a respondent, said that work is a very human thing. If there are animals or machines used for work, the position of the animal or machine is not as a worker, but rather to assist humans in their work.

The position of work as something very human has been disrupted with the presence of generative artificial intelligence. Besides removing the human dimension from work, generative artificial intelligence is also the most real example of the theft of work values.

However, Siti emphasized that the data used to train the generative artificial intelligence system was mined from several sources that were ensured to come from human labor. Therefore, what should be regulated by the government is the ethics of artificial intelligence innovation development.

“The human mind cannot be limited by anything. The fundamental nature of humans is always changing. Technology is created because of the luxury of the human mind,” he said.

What should be regulated by the government is the ethics of developing artificial intelligence innovation.

The Director General of Information Technology Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo), Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, stated that the responsibility for the use of artificial intelligence in general has been regulated in the electronic system organizer regulations. Meanwhile, specifically related to generative artificial intelligence, Kemenkominfo has conducted a small study on the application of ethics.

“Generative artificial intelligence, whether it produces images, videos or text, must have a data source. During the process of generating (generate), the developer must ensure that he has permission or not for the data source. If personal data is involved, the developer must comply with the personal data protection mechanism,” said Semuel.

Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria added that the review of the guidelines on artificial intelligence ethics is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The Ministry of Communication and Information is also taking advantage of the momentum of the 2023 ASEAN Summit to encourage neighboring countries to support the proposed ASEAN Guide On AI Governance and Ethics by Singapore.

Also read: AI and Anxiety about the Future of Work

Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird