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50 ChatGPT prompts to support your customer experience lifecycle

Building a fully fleshed-out customer experience is no easy task. In addition to brainstorming ways to increase brand awareness, drive conversions, and strengthen brand loyalty, there’s the whole business of actually executing your ideas. 

Add the power of ChatGPT to your workflows

So I ran a little experiment. I asked ChatGPT to do the heavy lifting for me. First, I asked it to come up with different prompts for each stage of the customer experience (CX) lifecycle. Then I fed each prompt—over 90 of them—back to ChatGPT to test the quality of its output and tweak as needed. 

I’ll be honest: there were some strong contenders in both ideas and output. And then there were some flops. But trial and error is the name of the game when it comes to working with artificial intelligence (AI). 

Instead of listing every winning prompt (because who has the time to read through that?), here are 50 ChatGPT prompts that cover a wide range of needs at every stage of the CX lifecycle. 

Table of contents: 

What is customer experience? 

Broadly speaking, customer experience encompasses every interaction a person has with a brand—from the first ad they see to the service they get after making a purchase. This includes any advertising a customer sees, the interactions they have with your team, how your website or app functions, and even the emails you send.

There are five stages of the CX lifecycle: attract/reach, acquire, convert, retain, and build loyalty. To make sure you have all your bases covered, I’ve included ChatGPT prompts for every stage.

The CX lifecycle: attract/reach, acquire, convert, retain, and build loyalty.

50 ChatGPT prompts for your entire customer experience lifecycle 

Before you scroll, there are a few things worth noting: 

  • Modify prompts as needed. Not every prompt will match your company’s strategy precisely. For example, a social media campaign that targets Millennials and Gen Z might be too broad. In that case, simply tweak the prompt to suit your needs. 

  • One prompt, multiple opportunities. Some of the suggested prompts can be used in different stages of the CX lifecycle. Use the prompts to support whichever stage makes the most sense for your company’s strategy. 

  • GPT-3.5 vs. GPT-4. The GPT model you use will impact the quality of ChatGPT’s output. For example, if you use the more powerful GPT-4 model, you can upload a spreadsheet with customer feedback and ask ChatGPT to generate a sentiment analysis. GPT-3.5, on the other hand, can’t analyze data. Note: You need to have ChatGPT Plus to use GPT-4 and some other tools included in some of these prompts, like web browsing.

  • Set a limit. Let’s say you ask ChatGPT to generate a list of catchy taglines. Be sure to tell it how many taglines to output—I recommend three to five at a time. Otherwise, it can get carried away, and in my experience, it’s better when it’s only trying to manage a few at a time.

ChatGPT prompts for the attract/reach stage 

  1. Generate a list of catchy taglines to make [brand] memorable to our target audience of [describe audience].

  2. Propose innovative ideas on how [brand] can use social media to increase brand awareness among [describe audience].

  3. Create a detailed plan for a community engagement event in [location] that aims to introduce [brand] to [describe audience].

  4. Provide insights on how to optimize our website (linked after) to attract more visitors: [URL].

  5. Design a conceptual outline for an infographic that explains the unique benefits of [brand, product, or service].

  6. Draft a press release announcing the launch of [brand or product], focusing on [features or benefits]. Use AP Style.

  7. Identify potential partnerships with other brands that are in line with [brand] values.

  8. List 5 keywords prospective customers might use when searching for [brand].

  9. Recommend cost-effective advertising channels and strategies to reach and attract [brand]’s target audience of [describe audience].

  10. Provide a list of [industry]-related podcasts where [brand] could participate to reach a wider audience. 

ChatGPT prompts for the acquire stage 

  1. Design an email marketing campaign to nurture interest among [describe audience] about [brand, product, or service].

  2. Draft a list of blog post topics that educate [describe audience] about [brand] and the solutions we provide.

  3. Provide a list of forums and communities relevant to [brand] where we can share our expertise and engage with potential customers.

  4. Design an interactive quiz or tool that helps [target audience] understand how [brand, product, or service] can solve their problems.

  5. Suggest a list of common questions people have about [brand] (and how we can address them) for an upcoming Q&A session. 

  6. Draft an engaging narrative about [brand] that we can use across various platforms to share the journey and values of our brand, creating a deeper connection with potential customers.

  7. List common challenges faced by [describe audience]. For each challenge, suggest a one-sentence value proposition for how [brand, product, or service] can solve it.

  8. Create a strategy for crafting and distributing whitepapers that dive into the advantages and cost benefits of [brand, product, or service] in solving industry-specific issues for [describe audience].

  9. Suggest a 3-month roadmap for creating and promoting a series of case studies highlighting the positive impact [brand] has had on existing customers, emphasizing real-world benefits and results for [describe target audience].

  10. Draft a 30-second script for a how-to video demonstrating the ease of use and the unique features of [product or service] that address common pain points for [target audience].

ChatGPT prompts for the convert stage 

  1. Create a sales script for our team to use when engaging with potential [brand] customers over the phone.

  2. Design a landing page optimized for conversions for [brand]’s upcoming promotion: [describe promotion].

  3. Suggest ways to address common objections and concerns that [target audience] may have about [brand, product, or service].

  4. Identify key metrics for measuring conversion success in [industry] and suggest tools for analysis.

  5. Draft follow-up emails to nurture leads who have shown interest but have not yet made a purchase with [brand].

  6. Provide ideas for limited-time offers or incentives that can encourage prospects to make a purchase with [brand].

  7. Suggest a list of compelling and concise calls-to-action to use on the [brand] home page (link after) that will encourage prospects to make a purchase. Link: [URL].

  8. Suggest some persuasive phrases or sentences that can be used in [brand]’s marketing material to drive conversions.

  9. List objections or concerns that [target audience] might have at the point of purchasing a [product or service]. Include ways to address each concern.

  10. Provide a template for a conversion-focused landing page for [brand, product, or service].

ChatGPT prompts for the retain stage 

  1. Generate chatbot prompts [brand] customers might use to ask for help with [product or service].

  2. Design a customer satisfaction survey to gauge the level of satisfaction among [brand]’s current customers.

  3. Draft short emails requesting feedback from existing [brand] customers to improve [products or services].

  4. Draft a plan for an email newsletter that keeps customers informed about new products, updates, and company news. Include a newsletter template.

  5. Provide ideas for exclusive events or offers for existing customers to make them feel valued.

  6. Suggest a [product or service] usability test to gather insights on user experiences, identifying areas where it can be optimized for better customer satisfaction.

  7. Identify key metrics for measuring customer retention in [industry] and suggest tools for tracking these metrics.

  8. Develop a post-purchase communication strategy to gauge customer satisfaction levels with [brand, product, or service] and make customers feel valued.

  9. Suggest ways to ensure our customer service is easily accessible and effective in resolving issues.

  10. Create a script for [brand]’s customer service team to use when engaging with a customer who wants to cancel their [order, product, or service].

ChatGPT prompts for the build loyalty stage 

  1. Develop a plan for a loyalty program with [brand] that encourages repeat purchases and rewards customer loyalty.

  2. Identify key metrics for measuring customer loyalty and advocacy in [industry], and suggest tools for tracking these metrics.

  3. Draft email templates for requesting testimonials and reviews from satisfied [brand] customers.

  4. Suggest ways to showcase customer success stories on [brand]’s website and social media.

  5. Provide ideas for collaborative projects or initiatives that can involve [brand]’s community and promote loyalty.

  6. Provide suggestions for keeping [brand] top-of-mind for our customers and ensuring they continue to choose us over competitors.

  7. Suggest ways to use gamification techniques to enhance engagement and loyalty among [brand]’s customer base.

  8. Design a customer feedback loop to continuously engage with [brand] customers and make them feel valued.

  9. Provide strategies for handling negative feedback in a way that builds loyalty and trust.

  10. Suggest methods for creating an exclusive online community platform for [brand]’s loyal customers, and outline the key features it should have to promote engagement.

Automate ChatGPT 

Now that you have a healthy set of ChatGPT prompts to support your entire CX lifecycle, you’re ready to get even more out of the AI chatbot. With Zapier, you can connect ChatGPT to your other apps. This way, you can automatically create personalized chat experiences, enhance user experiences, improve customer support, and ultimately get valuable insights into your business—all from your existing tech stack.

Learn more about how to automate ChatGPT, or get started with one of these workflows. 

Zapier is a no-code automation tool that lets you connect your apps into automated workflows, so that every person and every business can move forward at growth speed. Learn more about how it works.

Related reading: 

Originally Appeared Here

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About the Author:

Early Bird