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5 ChatGPT Prompts To Be More David Goggins (Build An Insane Mindset)

Be more David Goggins with ChatGPT: build mental toughness

David Goggins

David Goggins is often misunderstood. People think he’s crazy, obsessed, and a freak of nature. But Goggins doesn’t care what you think about him. He knows himself so well that opinions of others hold zero weight. He doesn’t seek your stamp of approval on his life because he has everything he needs; nothing is missing.

Whether you love or hate the character that is Goggins, his achievements can’t be ignored. His childhood had abuse, ADD, obesity and a nervous stutter. He has since become a Navy SEAL, completed over 60 ultra-marathons and ultra-triathlons, secured a Guiness World Record, published two bestselling books, set a global example for resilience and continuously built his mental toughness. Everyone is trying to figure him out. Whether they get him or not, entrepreneurs can learn a thing or two from Goggins.

Use these ChatGPT prompts to build an insane mindset like Goggins himself. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Be more David Goggins with ChatGPT: build mental toughness

Define the stick

Goggins isn’t running towards some promised land, in pursuit of fame, recognition or cash. He’s escaping his demons. He’s haunted by the image of his former self. So he keeps on going. This means rewards aren’t necessary. There are no carrots, only the stick, which he explained in full in his Huberman Lab podcast episode with academic Andrew Huberman. There is always friction in Goggins’ life. Nothing is easy, and he doesn’t want it to be. “Everything I do in life, it sucks,” he said. You don’t need it to be enjoyable, you just need a reason to do it.

Define your biggest fears and escape them at all costs. Your past overweight physique, mediocre business progress, or the version of you that lives far beneath their capability. Get away from average by making it the enemy. Understand the pain of mediocrity with this first prompt.

“My business aims to [describe your big business goal] for [describe your target audience]. Use the antidote to my goal, the dread of succumbing to an average life, to depict a detailed and vivid scenario of what my life would look like if I didn’t push myself to my limits, and instead settled for mediocrity. Include visualizations of the consequences of not getting past my comfort zone, so I can fully grasp the importance of combating these fears and striving for more, much like David Goggins does.”

Schedule every minute

Goggins isn’t waking up without a plan. He knows the mission he’s on and he’s never finished, so he starts and sticks to schedule. Unless you are intentional about your day, other people will steal your time. Make sure those close to you know what you’re about, and then show up as you no matter who is watching. Plan every hour, don’t leave time for breaks, and persevere when people say you should give up. Practice discipline until it becomes a habit.

“It takes relentless self discipline to schedule suffering into your day, every day,” said Goggins, but “denial is the ultimate comfort zone.” Even if you don’t want to do something, get it done. That’s what strengthens your mind, that’s what builds your mental and psychological callouses, that’s what prepares your mind for any eventuality. “Never finished,” is the title of Goggins’ new book. Even when you think you are done, there’s more to go.

“Create a strict, hour-by-hour daily schedule between [wakeup hour] and [bedtime hour] that begins with the most challenging tasks or ‘suffering’ to foster discipline and mental toughness, in the spirit of David Goggins. The schedule should leave little room for idle time and focus on maximizing productivity and personal growth. Include time for [insert specific business-related tasks] related to my business goals, physical training in [describe your sport], and personal development activities including [how you develop personally]. I will commit to keeping up this schedule for [duration] starting [date, for example today], so create a two-column table where I record my progress each day.”

Master your inner dialogue

Most people are owned by the voices in their head. They follow what they say without questioning, and they let them dictate their moves. But David Goggins argues back. He’s not afraid to challenge the devil on his shoulder and the gut feeling that something isn’t right. Calling the mind, “the most powerful weapon you will ever have,” he urged you to, “Quiet the noise. Reflect. Find what you truly want in life.”

“Your brain is amazing,” Goggins said. “Once you feed it the right conversation, the right mental nutrients, the right mental supplements, the right internal dialogue at the right time with the right hit, with the right proof of what you’ve done in the past, and you send that right to the right circuit, dude, you’re a f*cking beast.” A mind filled with chatter holds zero power over you when you take the time to listen and disagree. Once you master your mind you are free. Use this prompt to hold a pretend conversation and practice standing your ground.

“Simulate a conversation with the negative or doubting voices in my head. Write a script of these 4 separate voices being (a) Negative (b) Fearful (c) Anxious and (d) Judgmental about my actions towards achieving my goal of [describe your biggest business goal]. After their opening lines, invite me to respond to each of these voices, one by one. After my responses, analyze them for the assertiveness, resilience, and rational perspective that David Goggins embodies. Guide me in transforming this inner dialogue into a powerful tool for self-motivation and focus.”

Do things you don’t want to do

According to neuroscientists, there’s a part of your brain that expands when you do things you don’t want to do. The anterior midcingulate cortex is noticeably bigger in athletes and people who live a long time. This is where the concept of willpower gains a new, tangible dimension. Expand your mind and build your willpower by doing more of what scares you. Run towards a challenge instead of shying away. Once you look forward to something in your schedule, it’s no longer serving its purpose. You have to keep the friction high.

“If you are in search of finding that new realm, you must be willing to extend yourself to the limit without any guarantee of success,” Goggins said. Do what you don’t want to do even with no promise of reward. Goggins famously hates running but completes ultra marathons most days. He was terrified of water but became a Navy SEAL. He despises social media but agrees to show up anyway, to help people find the inner strength he has found for himself.

“Activities or tasks that I am currently avoiding or feel hesitant to undertake in my personal, professional, or physical training endeavors are [describe the tasks you don’t enjoy or look forward to.] Give me a pep talk, in the style of David Goggins, that explains why I should do them anyway. Use his signature phrases. Emphasize the importance of consistency and mental growth over immediate rewards or comfort.”

Remove the crutches

Goggins doesn’t follow anyone. You won’t catch him taking notes at a seminar, listening to some guru’s podcast or looking to emulate an internet personality. That’s a world he wants no part of, because he doesn’t believe in it. “The hard truth is that most of us know exactly what we have to do, we are just searching for an easier way to do it!” he said, which is what he believes conferences and seminars are. “I go to all these conventions, speak all the time, and look in the audience. And these people sign up every year, go to a convention, thinking they’re going to learn something different. No, you’re lazy. You know exactly what to do.”

He knows your answers and breakthroughs aren’t going to come from a Tony Robbins event. Real change is found within. “You just can’t read about it,” Goggins added. “You can’t be a theorist. You have to be a practitioner.” Which answers are you missing because you’re looking elsewhere? What would you discover if you were really honest with yourself?

“Initiate a self-discovery dialogue with me, asking probing and reflective questions one by one, guiding me to uncover my own truths and answers instead of seeking external validation or shortcuts. In the style of David Goggins, challenge me to confront my own habits, thoughts, and excuses. Encourage me to be brutally honest with myself about what’s holding me back, what I truly want, and the actions I need to take. Emphasize the importance of being a practitioner, not just a theorist, in my own life’s journey. Keep asking me questions, one by one, and do not break character until I say “STOP”.”

Build mental toughness: 5 ChatGPT prompts to emulate David Goggins

Why are you still reading? Get out there and start building your mental toughness using these ChatGPT prompts to get started in the right direction. Define the stick with a haunting description of the mediocre life you’ll live if you don’t push through your limits. Schedule every minute and don’t be tempted to stray, then master your inner dialogue by talking right back and explaining why it’s wrong. Do things you don’t want to do and keep the resilience building, then remove the crutches and stop trying to find the answers without making real change. Be more David Goggins with these 5 prompts for ChatGPT, and stay hard on a whole new level.

Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird