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ChatGPT Prompts for Business

Below you will find three ChatGPT prompts for business developed to create an elevator pitch, calls to action and customer personas.

But before we jump in, what is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model that uses artificial intelligence to understand and respond to human language. It’s like having a conversation with a smart computer that can provide answers and suggested solutions to just about anything that’s requested of it.

ChatGPT is indeed a powerful tool. But you must know how to give it proper instructions (i.e. prompts) to get the most out of it.

The prompts we’re sharing with you were developed and finalized after hours of research and testing (and even more testing!) among top members of our editorial team here at Small Business Trends. We hope you find them useful!

ChatGPT Prompts for Businesses

If you’re wondering how to use ChatGPT, it’s easy. Simply copy the prompt of your choice below, highlighted in yellow, visit ChatGPT, paste the prompt into the text field, and click the arrow. Then sit back and watch ChatGPT generate a response. (It’s important to note that for these prompt examples to work best, we strongly recommend using GPT-4, which will cost you about $20/month.

So what is a ChatGPT prompt? ChatGPT prompts are the starting point for interacting. When using ChatGPT, you provide a prompt such as a message or a question. This creates the context that guides the the response.

Prompts can range from the simple to the complex. And every day, people are figuring out new ways that great prompts can help them, especially in business.

We’ve crafted a few ChatGPT prompts that we believe can be helpful to your business.

1) Prompt to Create an Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a concise and compelling statement that describes what you do, who you are, and what value you bring to the table. Creating an effective elevator pitch is invaluable to any business.

Here are some prompts we’ve created that will help you devise an effective elevator pitch for your B2B business and your small business.

Simply start a new chat in GPT-4 and enter the text in yellow that corresponds to your business. ChatGPT should respond looking for more information from you. Give it that information and then watch it craft your elevator pitch!

For Small Businesses: Copy and Paste This Prompt Into ChatGPT

Your name is [name] and you’re the top salesperson for a small business [small business] that offers [product or service]. You believe this [product or service] will solve this critical problem [critical problem] for a customer. You need to write a 30 second elevator pitch that will help you sell your products or services to a customer. Ask me for my name, my small business, the product or service I’m selling and the critical problem it solves and then write the elevator pitch based on my answers.

Here is an example of this prompt in action.

For B2B Companies: Copy and Paste This Prompt Into ChatGPT:

Your name is [name] and you’re the top salesperson for a B2B company [B2B company] that offers [product or service]. You believe this [product or service] will solve this critical problem [critical problem] for a small business owner. You need to write a 30 second elevator pitch that will help you sell your products or services to a small business owner. Ask me for my name, my b2b company, the product or service I’m selling and the critical problem it solves and then write the elevator pitch based on my answers.

Here is an example of this prompt in action.

2) Prompt to Create Calls to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt that encourages potential customers to take a specific action. CTAs are essential in guiding users towards your goal, be it signing up, buying a product, or any other desired outcome.

The following prompts we’ve created will develop 10 call-to-action statements that you can use where you need them best. After the prompt examples, check out our list of some common locations where your business likely needs effective and engaging call-to-action statements. We’ve also listed popular types of call-to-action statements your business likely will need at some point.

Again, just start a new chat in GPT-4 and enter the prompt below most apropos for your business type.

For Small Businesses: Copy and Paste This Prompt Into ChatGPT:

You’re a marketing wizard for a small business [small business] that needs to create a Call-To-Action for a place where the call-to-action will appear [place where the call-to-action will appear]. This is the action [action] we want them to take. In your CTA, explain what the customer gets [incentive] when they follow the CTA. Ask me for the small business, the place where the call-to-action will appear, the action, and the incentive. Then develop 10 CTAs from my answers.

Here’s an example of this prompt in action.

For B2B Companies: Copy and Paste This Prompt Into ChatGPT:

You’re a marketing wizard for a B2B company [B2B company] that needs to create a Call-To-Action for a place where the call-to-action will appear [place where the call-to-action will appear]. This is the action [action] we want them to take. In your CTA, explain what the customer gets [incentive] when they follow the CTA. Ask me for the B2B company, the place where the call-to-action will appear, the action, and the incentive. Then develop 10 CTAs from my answers.

Here’s an example of this prompt in action.

Call To Action Locations

Not sure where a call to action statement goes? Check out these popular locations where call to action statements commonly appear in marketing messages:

    • Landing Pages: One of the most common places for CTAs. They’re designed to drive visitors towards a specific action, such as signing up for a webinar or downloading a free e-book.
    • Email Campaigns: At the end or even in the middle of the email content, urging readers to click on a link, subscribe to a service, or avail a discount.
    • Social Media Posts: CTAs can be included in posts or tweets, prompting followers to share, comment, or visit a link.
    • Homepage: A main CTA can be prominently displayed on the homepage, guiding visitors to the most important action you want them to take.
    • Blog Posts: At the end of articles, prompting readers to comment, share, read another article, or even download related resources.
    • Header or Footer: Many websites have a persistent CTA in the header or footer, ensuring it’s visible no matter where the visitor is on the website.
    • Sidebar: On blog sites or content-rich pages, a CTA can be placed in a sticky sidebar, prompting users for newsletter signups or to access other relevant content.
    • Pop-ups or Modals: These can appear after a user has spent a certain amount of time on the site or is about to leave (exit-intent pop-ups). They can offer special deals, ask users to subscribe, or offer a valuable resource.
    • In-Video: For video content, CTAs can appear at the beginning, middle, or end, prompting viewers to subscribe to a channel, visit a website, or check out related content.
    • Mobile Apps: Within a mobile app interface, CTAs can guide users to upgrade to a premium version, rate the app, or take other significant actions.

Call to Action Examples

Below are some call-to-action examples. Choose your desired action below:

    • Sign Up/Register: For newsletters, webinars, online courses, events, or services.
    • Purchase/Buy Now: Encouraging immediate purchase of a product or service.
    • Download: Offering whitepapers, e-books, apps, software trials, or other digital assets.
    • Learn More: Directing visitors to a page with more detailed information on a topic or product.
    • Contact Us: Encouraging users to reach out, whether for more information, customer support, or sales inquiries.
    • Get a Quote: For services that require customized pricing or details based on individual needs.
    • Book Now: Used by businesses such as hotels, airlines, or any service that requires reservations or appointments.
    • Start a Free Trial: For software or services that offer a trial period before purchase.
    • Watch Video: Prompting visitors to view multimedia content which might explain a product or service in more detail.
    • Share/Refer a Friend: Encouraging users to share content, products, or services with their network.
    • Comment Below: On blog posts or articles, to boost engagement and interaction.
    • Take a Survey/Poll: Gathering feedback or opinions from users.
    • Join/Enroll: For membership sites, loyalty programs, or any group-based offers.
    • Donate: Common for non-profits or fundraising campaigns.
    • Add to Cart/Wishlist: For e-commerce sites, prompting users to select items for future purchase.
    • Follow/Subscribe: On social media platforms or content platforms like YouTube.
    • Login: For sites that want returning users to sign in.
    • Chat Now: Initiating a conversation, often with customer service or a sales representative.
    • Save for Later: Allows users to save a product or piece of content to revisit at a later time.
    • View Demo: For products or services that have a demonstration available

3) Prompt to Create Customer Personas

Customer personas, or buyer personas, help you focus on a target audience. They supply information on customers so you can develop marketing strategies and improve product development.

A buyer persona is a comprehensive, research-based archetype of your ideal customer that can help you to better understand and meet the needs of your market. It’s a fictional representation grounded in real data about customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.

Using ChatGPT is a great way to brainstorm and get started on new personas. But nothing can replace real data.

Here are prompts we’ve created that will develop customer personas that may match your business’s needs exactly or could need a little tweaking. But they’ll definitely get you started.

Simply paste the correct prompt for your business type into a new GPT-4 chat and then give it the information it’ll ask you for in its first response. Then, watch it craft some unique customer personas to get your marketing research started.

For Small Businesses: Copy and Paste This Prompt Into ChatGPT:

You’re the top salesperson for a small business [small business] that sells products or services [products or services] to customers. You need to develop 5 highly-detailed customer personas to use when developing marketing campaigns. Each customer persona should include the following information: Demographic Information, Geographic Location, Psychographic Information, Behavioral Traits, Challenges & Pain Points, Goals & Motivations, Brand Interactions, Preferred Communication Channels, Objections & Barriers, Influencers & Decision Drivers, Quotes & Anecdotal Insights, Visual Elements. Ask me for the name of my small business and the products or services and then develop the customer personas. List the name of the customer in header text and then write details below in bullet points.

Here is an example of this prompt in action.

For B2B Companies: Copy and Paste This Prompt Into ChatGPT:

You’re the top salesperson for a B2B company [B2B company] that sells products or services [products or services] to small businesses. You need to develop 5 highly-detailed customer personas to use when developing marketing campaigns for different stakeholders. Each customer persona should include the following information: Demographic Information, Geographic Location, Psychographic Information, Behavioral Traits, Challenges & Pain Points, Goals & Motivations, Brand Interactions, Preferred Communication Channels, Objections & Barriers, Influencers & Decision Drivers, Quotes & Anecdotal Insights, Visual Elements. Ask me for the name of my B2B company and the products or services and then develop the customer personas. List the name of the customer in header text and then write details below in bullet points.

Here is an example of this prompt in action.

Originally Appeared Here

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Early Bird