Nov. 17—During the Nov. 6, Limestone County Commission meeting, several residents of Morris Williams Subdivision came to express concerns about traffic and drainage.
“The intersection of Blackburn Lane and 72 is a dangerous intersection,” Ken Pack said of the entrance to Blackburn and Morris Williams subdivisions. “The covert is not wide enough. When somebody stops there, if somebody is turning in, you about have to back up to let them turn in or they’ll get rear ended.”
“We also have a concern about the bus turnaround down there. They’re either going to back into somebody’s driveway or something has to be done,” Greg Blades added to the concerns before speaking to the drainage issue on lot 18. “You don’t want to walk over there in the winter; you’ll sink. It’s just water over there.”
Another resident came to discuss uncommunicated subdivision of a lot that was understood by the residents to have one residence to one lot.
“We’ve been told that — now, I don’t know what kind of assurance anyone can give along that line, but we’ve been told (whoever buys lot 18 must build two houses on it) — through the owner and some other people, but we don’t know that for sure,” Steve Romine said. “Somebody could buy it and do whatever they want to. No, they can’t do whatever they want to; I guarantee you that. People think they can, but when they cross a line, we’re going to court with them. We should’ve done it before, but we didn’t because nobody wants to do that.”
During the engineer’s report, Marc Massey offered to speak with the concerned residents to address their questions between the work session and meeting, adding for everyone’s benefit that there are provisions for drainage easements the developers can use. All parties seemed to come to an understanding after the conversation.
Before adjourning the work session, chairman Collin Daly addressed complaints of residents’ formal written notices being received late.
“Mrs. Wilson down in the basement that sends out these notices, she is real prompt. She does an awesome job at getting those out. You know, give credit where credit’s due. I promise you, if it was to be sent out on the 27th, she sent it out. We can’t control how it gets from that point to that point,” Daly said of the engineering support assistant Sharon Wilson.
The commission unanimously approved several business items during their meeting.
Resolutions and orders
* Suspended the rules, created and approved a resolution after a public hearing to apply for a grant to buy land off of Cotton Belt Road that adjoins Sugar Creek for the purpose of accessing the canoes and kayaks of Sugar Creek.
* Approved three resolutions together to enter into an agreement with the State of Alabama, acting by through ALDOT for maintenance of the passive warning devices for the construction of improvements at the railroad crossing on Thach Road, Upper Elton and Bethel roads. These projects are paid for 100 percent by ALDOT.
* Approve a resolution opposing an increase in permissible road weights for commercial trucks.
Contracts, agreements and grants
* Approved an agreement with North Central Highway Safety Office for overtime traffic safety enforcement beginning Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024.
* Approved a refrigerant compliance contract pursuant EDA regulation at the request of SA Recycling.
* Approved EMA to apply for an EMPG Performance Grant and authorize the Chairman to approve and execute all documents pertaining to same.
Personnel, policies and staffing actions
The commission unanimously approved the following transfers:
* Transfer Julian Tracy Tyler from a corporal to a corrections officer, retroactive Oct. 4.
* Transfer Michael Bloodworth from a sheriff sergeant (patrol) to a sheriff lieutenant (patrol), effective Nov. 6.
The commission unanimously approved the following hires and transfers:
* Hire Cheyanne Abernathy as a deputy sheriff, effective Nov. 6, pending a drug screening.
* Transfer Josh Hutchinson from part time laborer to equipment operator I in District 1, effective Nov. 6.
* Hire Sonya Berzett as a part-time van driver for the Limestone County Council on Aging, effective Nov. 6.
* Hire Dusty Wallace as a District 1 road supervisor, effective Nov. 6, pending a drug screening.
Officer’s reports
* District 1 commissioner Daryl Sammet explained that there were delays on the Sand Springs Bridge due to funding changes.
* District 4 commissioner LaDon Townsend said that the Quinn Road construction is almost finished with the bad material removed and repairs almost complete.
Engineer’s report
The commission unanimously approved the following changes to subdivisions in Limestone County:
* Preliminary and final approval for Johnston Commercial Subdivision to replat Lot 7 and create two lots in District 3 on the east side of Hwy 31. Adjacent to 9688 Hwy 31
* Preliminary and final approval for Highland Village Phase 3 creating seven lots in District 3 on the east of St. Andrews Drive along the private roads of Aviemore Ave. and Culross Dr.
* Preliminary and final approval for Dupree Worthey Subdivision creating four lots in District two on the North side of Hwy 72 on the west side of Dupree Worthey Rd.
* Preliminary and final approval for Morris Williams Subdivision to replat Lot 18 creating two lots in District 4 on the North side of Hwy 72 on the east side of Blackburn Lane.
* Preliminary and final approval for Joseph B. McConnell Subdivision creating three lots in District 4 west of West Limestone High School on the south side of West School House Rd.
* Preliminary and final approval for Cardinal Hill creating three lots in District 2 at 28974 Red Bird Lane Harvest, AL.
* Preliminary and final approval for Big Creek Farm Subdivision, northeast addition, No. 1 to create four lots in District 4 at the northwest corner of the intersection with Tillman Mill Rd and Big Creek Rd.
* Preliminary and final approval for Ridinger Estates Subdivision to replat Lots 9, 10, 11 and block two to create three lots in District 4 at the southwest corner of Thompson Road and Ridinger Road.
The next Limestone County Commission meeting will be at 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 20, at the Clinton Street Courthouse Annex.