AI Made Friendly HERE

Leveraging Advanced Prompt Engineering Tools — TradingView News

In terms of artificial intelligence (AI), prompt engineering is the key, almost the be all and end all of the whole thing. Understanding this, and the tools at your disposal, is vital to unlocking the full potential of AI.

Regular readers will know that this is part of an ongoing series. Here, you can find the first, second, third and fourth articles in the series.

If you haven’t already, go read those first. But, essentially, I’m a professional written content creator who’s been tasked with exploring an online prompt engineering course and reporting back. The course can be found in the first post. Here, we’re diving into some of the more interesting prompts you can use to get the most out of ChatGPT, be you in marketing, forex trading, fintech or any other sort of business.

Here we go.

Tables, Tables, Tables

If you’re looking to create content, you don’t always want a wall of text with headers. Sometimes, it’s more useful to output something in another form, for example a table. You can ask ChatGPT to do this.

For example, “Please create a plan for a team building retreat a weekend. Include activities, meal times and times for relaxation. Give me the output in a tabular form.”

Remember, the more information you can give it, the better it will respond. So, in the example above, you could specify what activities are available, where you’ll be and what you might want to focus on.

The end result is an easy to read table rather than a wall of text.

Pretty crazy. An AI generated this song in 10 seconds, based on a simple 25 word prompt from me. It came up with all of the melody, lyrics, and arrangements.

Apr 10, 2024

Don’t do this, please.

A vs. B vs. C

Comparisons are a hugely powerful tool. Imagine that you’re comparing two products, you could easily create a table showing comparisons across a range of factors, such as cost, size, et cetera. Say, for example, you’re looking for a laptop, you could give ChatGPT two examples and ask it to create a table to compare the two. The output will compare CPU speed, RAM, operating system, screen size, SSD size and more in a simple table.

All you have to do is write something along the lines of “In a tabular format, compare and contrast laptop A with laptop B”. You could do this for anything, for example smartphones, cars, financial products and more.

Alternatively, you can drop the “tabular format” part of the request and have it output text. This sort of comparison can be used to quickly and easily create blog posts, or to compare the products offered within a certain market, for example.

There’s nothing revolutionary about this, especially the tabular comparisons, but imagine the time you could save.


This one is simple, but brilliant. Get ChatGPT to summarize long articles, or presentations. But, here’s the thing, you can also do it for videos, if they provide a transcript.

Why would you do this? Simple, to save time and to get key points out of long texts, lengthy articles or windy reports.

Just paste in the text, ask it to “summarize” it and you’re off. Just remember, you should have a look at the original document or text to make sure that ChatGPT has taken the key points.

Some use cases could be summarizing the feedback on a competitor’s product from an online review site, or doing the same for your reviews. This could allow you to identify opportunities or to address problems. Think of it as a basic SWOT analysis.

Everyone’s a Critic

The “critique” prompt revolves around using ChatGPT as a critique and improvement tool for various types of content. You can do this in two ways:

  • Critique Me: You give ChatGPT your content, be it writing, code, speeches, business plans, or any written material, for critique. ChatGPT analyzes the content, pointing out strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Critique Yourself: ChatGPT critiques its own generated content and then applies the criticism to create improved versions. You ask it to create the initial content and then tell it to critique itself.

In the second case you can specify what you want ChatGPT to focus on. For example: You ask it to create a guide to simple social media content creation, then you take the output and ask it to critique itself. Once that response is generated, you can then ask it to focus on specific channels, or concepts.

And there we have it, four more tools to take your AI game to the next level.

Just remember, you can always use a blend of these techniques to get an optimal outcome, including “Fourth Grader”, “Few Shot” and others we covered in previous articles.

For more finance adjacent pieces, be sure to following our Trending section and stay tuned for more insight into ChatGPT.

Originally Appeared Here

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About the Author:

Early Bird