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Pam Didner’s Guide To Harnessing AI For B2B Lead Generation: #B2BMX Day 1 Recap

The 2024 B2B Marketing Exchange East kicked off on Oct. 1, and B2B Marketing Consultant, Author and Speaker Pam Didner hosted the first keynote of the week with her Campfire-style session, “Supercharge Your Lead Generation With AI,” which outlined ways to optimize existing processes through AI.

Didner started off by sharing how the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has left many professionals feeling both captivated and overwhelmed: How can marketers harness the power of these advanced technologies without losing their strategic edge?

Make The Most Of AI By Engineering Comprehensive Prompts

Didner started by discussing the importance of being “incredibly detailed” in prompts, encouraging attendees to provide AI with all the relevant information about their industry, customers and desired outcomes. With that baseline in place, Didner noted that the possibilities of AI-generated content are endless.

“AI can summarize volumes of information, generate marketing copy and even come up with campaign ideas — all you have to do is give it the right prompts,” she noted. “Don’t just ask for a ‘marketing plan’ – provide the AI with all the relevant information about your industry and customers, and your desired outcomes,” she said. “That way, you’ll get a plan that’s tailored to your exact needs, not some generic template.”

With that in mind, Didner rattled off a comprehensive set of details to share with the machine, which included:

  • An executive summary;
  • The target audience;
  • A unique value proposition;
  • Proposed tactics; and
  • Key performance indicators.

Strike The Balance Between AI & Human Intervention

However, Didner cautioned against fully outsourcing marketing efforts to AI. Instead, she suggested practitioners strike the balance of technology and human intervention.

“Remember, these are large language models – they don’t have the same depth of understanding as you do when it comes to your products, industry and customers,” she noted. “You can’t just plug in a prompt and expect AI to do all the work. You need to be an active participant in the process, guiding and refining the output to ensure it’s truly tailored to your needs.”

Continuing the importance of humans working alongside machines, Didner emphasized that AI isn’t a magic bullet: “While it’s a powerful tool, you still need to test and validate the output and compare it to human-generated content to ensure effectiveness.”

With that in mind, she highlighted the importance of establishing a control environment to measure the performance of AI-generated content against its human-created counterparts.

“Look at metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates,” she advised. “Only then can you truly quantify the efficiency and productivity gains that AI can bring to your marketing efforts.”

Leverage AI For Data Analysis

Beyond content creation, Didner explored the role of AI in decision-making and workflow optimization. Instead of focusing solely on creating relevant assets for audiences, she shifted the focus toward the role AI can play in analyzing data and predicting customer actions and outcomes.

“AI can help you validate and refresh your customer data, predict closure rates and even identify the most effective marketing channels,” she explained. “But to leverage these capabilities, you need to have a clear understanding of your existing workflows and how AI can be integrated to enhance them.”

With that in mind, Didner stressed the importance of aligning AI initiatives with overall marketing strategy, cautioning against a siloed, tactical approach.

“Strategy should drive tactics, not the other way around,” she said. “Management needs to understand the relationship between AI and your broader marketing objectives to ensure the technology is used effectively.”

Didner concluded that the key is understanding AI’s capabilities and how they can complement existing workflows.

“It’s not about replacing human expertise, but instead leveraging technology to enhance your marketing efforts,” said Didner. “Just because something thinks differently from us, does that mean it’s not thinking? We allow for such divergences among humans – why can’t we extend that same courtesy to our machine counterparts?”

Demand Gen Report’s coverage of #B2BMX East is just getting started! Stay tuned throughout the week for more recaps and highlights from the event. 

Originally Appeared Here

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